To the fans of sci-fi, YA, technothrillers, apocalypse, dystopia, and conspiracy books: please read all four books in the Conspiracy Chronicles series because you don’t want to miss anything until you get to the Book 5, Aftershock. So much has happened, and is going on in this latest installment, as Sam, Jake and Ai try to save China—and the entire world—from the natural disaster engineered by President Li and the Party.
The very thought of an earthquake gives me enough creeps and terror even without thinking of the man-made earthquake of the magnitude and size to destroy hundreds of millions on the eastern seaboard of China. But the most impressive parts of Aftershock to me are unforgettable and unbelievable action scenes on the oil rig in the East China Sea. If this book series ever turned into a movie, Hollywood and the Marvel Cinematic Universe films would have a serious competition!
This novel is a nuclear bomb made of robots and futuristic technology ready to explode. And its author, Michael Evans, has no second thoughts before pressing the “activate” button and giving us one huge AFTERSHOCK. This book detonates from the beginning to the end!
My reviews of Breakdown (ex Deadwave), Blood Brothers, The Last Migration, and Renegade.
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