My eBook Look for Me Under the Rainbow will be again at a 67% discounted price on Amazon.
Monday, March 16, 2020, 8:00 AM PDT through Monday, March 23, 2020, 12:00 AM PDT
The story of a harp seal pup Danny is popular among readers of all ages, so if you know someone who wants to get it at a discounted price for their kids or grandchildren or parents or grandparents, please spread the word. They will love it, not just because of its touching story but also for teaching our young and old ones about love for the animals and nature and caring about our planet, which is endangered today now more than ever before in the history. Countless animal species are facing their extinction (including polar bears!) and the galloping climate changes threaten the whole mankind and our towns. Thank you for helping me spread awareness and educating others that we are all connected, and we all matter.
Honest reviews on Amazon and Goodreads will only help to spread its message, so thanks for keeping that in mind.
My other eBook A World Without Color is at a permanent price of $0.99.
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