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Look for Me Under the Rainbow

January River

Cruel Summer

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

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My Goodreads Reviews Part 45

With My Goodreads Reviews Part 45 into the new year! My first 2023 compilation of five book reviews on Goodreads is from the following genres: thriller, poetry, historical fiction, YA LGBTQ horror, and business and self-help non-fiction. A variety of books, as always. Enjoy them!

The Christmas Scorpion (Jack Reacher #22.5), Exposed Emotions: A Collection of Poetry, King Minos 3: Rise of Hades, The Taking of Jake Livingston, The Connection Algorithm: Take Risks, Defy the Status Quo, and Live Your Passions

Whether it’s a full-length novel or a one-breath read, like The Christmas Scorpion, Jack Reacher is always good! This story is too short to build bigger suspense. I experienced it more like an atmosphere-building short mystery.

The first time I was surprised when, after reading two of his books, I learned that Robert Stowe is a multi-genre author who also writes poetry. Then I was surprised by his impressive novel-length collection of 170 poems (if I counted them right)! This huge collection covers various topics and author’s musings (adventure, death, emotions, friendship, love, politics, religion, survival, etc.). Poems are short/er, like haiku, or a few pages long, like in the political section. Some poems resemble realistic snippets from everyday life, narrated in free style. My personal preferences are shorter poems because I feel stronger emotional charge in them, but poetry lovers will find their favorites in longer poems too. Be aware of one thing: give yourself time before you start reading this poetry collection because it is not a book you will fly through, but a read that requires your longer attention.

I thank the author for sending me an advance review copy of his collection of poetry at no cost and with no obligations.

Empires rise and empires fall but it doesn’t seem to be the case with King Minos series by Angelus Maximus which, in its third installment, keeps us glued to Rusa’s efforts to unify the Minoan Empire and returns its glory after the outbreak of a civil war. Walking in the first two books’ footsteps, Rise of Hades will also steal and hold your attention until all betters are fought and victories celebrated. But is the key question answered and mystery resolved? To learn that, read the book.

I know I must write an honest review, but what to write when I am confused, and my mixed emotions are playing a tug-of-war? This is one of those books that leaves me at a loss for words and whatever I say it won’t be right or enough. I liked it and it is a lovable book with an A-mazing cover. But is lovable the right description for a YA spooky, paranormal and horror book? I told you I’m confused, and I hope other readers will be luckier in articulating themselves with the words I am missing.

Highly motivational! This book is a bomb of encouragement. I’m so glad to read and enjoy it and I’m ashamed it took me so long to read it after having it a few years on my reading list. Jesse Tevelow, forgive me and thank you for sharing your personal experience of living a happy and meaningful life.

I thank the author for sending me a review copy at no cost and with no obligations toward the author.

Happy reading!


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