Faster than usual, here is my new five-book-compilation titled My Goodreads Reviews Part 31. I enjoyed some of them more than others, but I will let you choose your new darlings.
The Long Walk, Betrayal of the Arcani: Beginnings (A Real LitRPG series), Devoted, Immurement (Undergrounders #1), The Ghoul Archipelago
I am sorry that editing and formatting issues of the eBook were a big distraction in the first twelve, thirteen percent of the book, so I couldn’t focus from the beginning on the story. Those with the same pet peeves will understand me. If only the publisher and the author fixed the formatting of the front matter and the chapter pages so that readers who purchase the book had a full reading experience of a professionally done book without stumbling over wrongly hyphenated words and accidentally split sentences, or chapter titles misplaced all over the pages.
Although the twelve-year-old protagonist Vinnie sounded and acted more like an adult than a kid and teenager, I enjoyed the book. I did indeed. Since The Long Game is inspired by true events, as it says in Author’s Note, I will trust the author did justice in portraying Vinnie, who was forced to grow up too fast and take care of himself since his earliest age. Vinnie is a tough kid, a fighter and survivor, no mistake about that.
One confusing thing when looking at its Amazon page is this novel being categorized as LGBTQ+, gay fiction and romance. I couldn’t find connection with this genre. Did I miss something? Our teenage protagonist is far from being involved in any gay romance. This is something that can mislead and attract the wrong readership. Vinnie’s story doesn’t deserve to suffer because of that. It deserves happy buyers and readers who will experience, appreciate, and love it.
Even though I had faith in this author after reading his books from Punic Wars series, I was a bit concerned about his new mix of genres and subgenres of historical, fantasy, Roman mythology, LitRPG, adventure, dragons, cyclops, and zombies. Especially since fantasy is not one of my strongest and favorite genres (lately). And zombies in the Roman Empire? Seriously?
Angelus Maximus took a bold step and created and solved an impossible puzzle, putting each part of this unusual and awkward mix where it belonged. Making impossible believable. Readers who fancy authors who are not afraid to take chances with their stories will like this book despite its length. Or maybe because of it.
On the path of his early glory books. I love it!
Dystopia can hardly be disappointing, so this is another exciting story. Like the siblings fight for survival trope.
I wish I had stayed better connected to the story after a promising opening.
Happy reading,
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