Three hundred beautiful people are in my LinkedIn world now. And it seems like that this is only a beginning, just a start. Just a foundation of something nice that is happening, with even nicer things to come.
I am amazed, I am grateful, I am happy.
Once strangers, now friends – I look forward to corresponding, talking and collaborating with like-minded you in the future. Or maybe even sooner. Next week, next month, next year. Why not know?!
Who knows, who cares! Time is irrelevant as long as we know what our goals are and not be afraid to strive for them, and to keep reaching for our dreams. Because they are here, just around the corner.
Always much closer than we dare to think.
Maybe as close as one click away. Ha!
Thank you for connecting with me and each others. Connecting and helping is the key.
There is a key and there is keyhole. Let's put the key in a keyhole and unlock and open this door.